June 15, 2023

Scripture: Proverbs 12:25 – “Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.”

What it means

Goodness, there’s that nasty word again – anxiety! Chapter 12 of Proverbs appears to be a hodge-podge of random thoughts of wisdom, and Solomon inserts this one towards the end of the chapter.  I know we’ve discussed this before, but I think it bears repeating – any guesses how many times we are told in scripture to not be afraid? Anyone, anyone? Yep – 365 times – one for each day of the year! It sounds good, no doubt, but this is a real struggle for many people, present company included.  If there’s anything in the world that could possibly have a worry attached to it, I’m all over it, believe me – and that’s a shame, because we are reminded so many times in scripture to simply…don’t be afraid.  The angels repeatedly told it to us humans, Jesus told His followers to not be fearful…because, as Solomon points out, it doesn’t really accomplish anything other than weighing down our hearts…and mine really doesn’t need weighing down, believe me.

What it means to me

So, what’s the antidote for an anxious heart? The latter part of this verse – a kind word cheers it up! It’s incredible to witness – as Jan and I grow older and have contact with more and more hurting people, we have both been amazed at seeing the power contained in just a simple kind word, a phone call, a text…any kind of contact will do.  It’s tempting to think that the only way that we can really minister to someone is to do something big and flashy and impressive, but…using one of these “spirit lifters” seems to do the trick just about every time.  Reaching out and letting someone know “Hey, I was just thinking about you and wanted to check in and see how you were because…you are special to me.  You have value.  You are loved.”  It’s a special thing to behold, so let’s be intentional in looking out for someone who may be hurting for one reason or another and offer a kind word.  It will help them, and also reduce the level of anxiety we may be lugging around…dual benefits!

Love you guys, can’t wait to see you in church this Sunday for Father’s Day!

In Christ,



June 20, 2023


June 13, 2023