Our Pastor

Rev. Brian Inman

Hello everybody, my name is Brian Inman, and I have been the pastor of Peck’s Memorial UMC since October 2018. It is an incredible blessing to be in ministry with such a loving, nurturing church family. As a bi-vocational local pastor, I am employed as a fixed asset accountant for UT Medical Center in Knoxville, while serving as the pastor for Peck’s.

I have been married to my wife Jan since 1990, and we have two children – Harrison is 24 and Victoria is 22.

It is my prayer that we can continue to grow in our faith as a church and closer in our walk with the Lord. Please feel free to reach out to me at inmanfunhouse@charter.net if you have any questions about our church – we would love to have you visit with us sometime!

In Christ,

Pastor Brian