August 15, 2023

Scripture: Psalm 90:8 – “You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence.”

What it means

Ouch – another painful scripture that hits all of us right between the eyes if we’re honest about it. We all have stuff that we like to keep hidden from the rest of the world, and some of us are pretty good at doing that. We can hide our bad habits from our spouse, our family, our friends…but never from God. He knows all, sees all, and knows deep within our hearts every aspect of our being – the good and not so good. It’s okay, He created us after all, and knows us better than we know ourselves, but still a little unsettling, isn’t it?

What it means to me

I guess this is actually a good thing if we allow it to be – if something is right out in the open for all to see, then we have no choice but to deal with it head on. Again, while we may be adept in keeping our sins private to the rest of the world, we should really be more concerned with pleasing The Lord than everybody else. He is the one who will call us to account for everything that we fail at during our lifetime, and my list is a long one…so let’s be okay that our secret sins are in full display “in the light of your presence”, and the fact that it’s an opportunity to continue to stride in the right direction. We’re not perfect – we were never intended to be, so while that’s not a feasible goal, we should always strive to be better tomorrow than we were today…and even better the day after…and, well, you get the point. Even small victories over sin will please The Lord and bring a smile to His face – and that should be our ultimate goal!

Love you guys, talk to you on Thursday!

In Christ,



August 17, 2023


August 10, 2023