August 8, 2023
Scripture: Psalm 37:23-24 – “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”
What it means
Here’s some good reassurance from King David for those of you who lack coordination and balance, like me 😊 I wish I had looked at this passage of scripture before I tried to go on my fateful run about a week before Easter…might have prevented a nasty fall, but grateful I escaped with nothing more than scrapes and bruises. As we live our life, we certainly have to deal with our fair share of stumbles…just part of the world that we live in; it happens to the best of us. However, for those of us who know Jesus as Lord and Savior, we can rest assured that He and He alone upholds us with His strong and mighty hand. All we have to do is “delight in Him”, and He will keep us upright and steady.
What it means to me
I can’t help but think of my favorite passage of scripture where the apostle Peter has the nerve to actually ask Jesus to allow him to walk on the water and, for a short while, actually manages to do it, but what causes him to begin to sink? Yep – he took his eyes off of The Master and switched his focus from Jesus to the storm, and down he went. It didn’t look good for a few minutes – probably seemed like an eternity to Peter – but once he remembered who he had access to, he did the smart thing and cried out to Him a short but powerful and effective prayer: “Lord, save me!” Absolutely nothing wrong with that prayer, and it ended up being just the right thing to ask because, sure enough, Jesus simply reached down and pulled him up – remember, “The Lord upholds him with His hand.” Let that be a reminder to you that the next time you find yourself being pulled under by one of life’s storms or you simply lose your balance and tumble like yours truly, just reach out to Jesus. He will catch you and uphold you with His hand every time!
Happy anniversary to my folks today - 59 years and still going strong :)
Love you guys, talk to you on Thursday!
In Christ,