December 15, 2022

Scripture: Isaiah 42:1 – “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice to the nations.”

What it means

Kind of a follow up to Tuesday’s devotional, here’s yet more language that speaks of being chosen.  The prophet Isaiah tells us that God’s servant was chosen, and as such, was whom He delighted in.  If we skip down to verses 3-4, they are a little more familiar sounding…“A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.  In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged until he establishes justice on earth.  In his teaching the islands will put their hope.”  And finally, verse 6 speaks of being called, just like we talked about on Tuesday.  Again, just so comforting… “I will take hold of your hand.  I will keep you and make you to be a covenant for the people.”

What it means to me

I continue to be amazed at how extremely accurate all this Old Testament prophecy turned out to be…written hundreds of years before the earthly appearance of Christ, and yet all of it is right on the money, 100%.  It is comforting to me to consider all of this was laid out since the beginning of time, and transpired exactly as God intended for it to.  He didn’t have to change course or switch anything around…plans were made at the inception of time and came about in their due time.  God always knew we would need a Savior, and He provided us with just what we needed.  It’s hard to wrap our minds around, but we simply need to give thanks for God’s grace and His mercy in giving us Jesus – especially during this special time of year as we celebrate Advent and the birth of Jesus!

Love you guys, see you in church on Sunday!

In Christ,



December 20, 2022


December 13, 2022