February 14, 2023

Scripture: John 16:7 – “But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.”

What it means

This is Jesus conversing with His disciples, and trying to prepare them for the difficult road that lay ahead of not just Him personally, but all of them as well. In a sense, they were just starting to get to know Him, and then He pulls the rug out from under them and tells them that He will have to leave them soon…but take heart…”I may be going, but The Holy Spirit (Advocate) is coming to take my place, and He will take good care of you as well.” Jesus goes on to tell them that when “the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” It was a difficult conversation, no question…but a necessary one. As was the case with so many of Jesus’ teachings, they were difficult to accept and understand, but He was planting seeds that they could refer back to after He was gone. They probably didn’t get it…yet…but one day they would.

What it means to me

As of this writing, revival has struck Asbury once again. Asbury has witnessed several revivals in their history, and it happened again this past Wednesday…and is still going on now (here’s the article for you to read if you like).


What perfect timing…as only The Lord can accomplish…continue to be in prayer for The Holy Spirit to continue to do His thing – at Asbury, within our church, and for God to continue to do His good works through His people however He sees fit.

Love you, talk to you on Thursday!

In Christ,



February 16, 2023


February 9, 2023