June 29, 2023

Scripture: Psalm 130:5 – (NIV) – “I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope.:

(MSG) - “I pray to God - my life a prayer - and wait for what he'll say and do.”

What it means

Psalm 130 is entitled “A song of ascents” – in other words, we’re trending upwards, which is a good thing.  It starts out a little somber – “Out of the depths I cry to you, LORD…”.  So, nowhere to go but up, right? But read on…sometimes we need to wait. We wait on circumstances, we wait on each other, and if we’re smart…we wait on God.  Many of us don’t at times, present company included, but “in His word I put my hope.”  This Psalm was supposedly written by King David – possibly when he was being terrorized by Saul and running for his life, which would explain his less than thrilled tone to start with, but David always came around…he never lost sight of God, and never gave up on Him.

What it means to me

We are an impatient world these days.  We want whatever we want…now, right? What used to take days or even weeks to happen can now happen almost instantaneously, no matter what it is.  So, waiting is a lost art form, but it still reaps some special benefits to those willing to be patient and wait on The Lord when He wants us to wait on Him, trust in Him, and have faith in Him.  I especially like the Message translation of this verse – “my life a prayer”, or “my whole being” according to the NIV.  Waiting is difficult – our lives are far too important and busy to waste time sitting on our laurels and not doing something.  However, oftentimes when we rush the process, it doesn’t exactly turn out real well…so let’s give it a shot and wait for The Lord.  Let’s wait for what He’ll say and do…and see how good it turns out!

Love you guys - I'll be in NC on Sunday, but will do a remote broadcast, so we'll see you on the big screen on Sunday!

In Christ,



July 4, 2023


June 27, 2023