March 16, 2023

Scripture: Psalm 112:5 – “Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.”

What it means

Pretty simple message today from King David – if we are generous and helpful to those around us, “good will come to us.” I wish this was something that just naturally flowed from most of us and we were all generous by nature, but unfortunately, that doesn’t appear to be the case with the vast majority of us, present company included. I’m typically too selfish and busy to spend much time worrying about others that are less fortunate, but that’s not the right attitude that I should be embracing as a follower of Christ. Verses 6-9 go on in further detail about the good that we will reap if we can somehow get a handle on being generous to those who could use a helping hand…simply put, it pleases the heart of God, and as such, it should be more of a priority for all of us to embody this in our own lives.

What it means to me

I’ve always struggled with being concerned about finances – somehow convinced that I’ll run out of money if I’m not careful, or too generous with what God has given to me. But, that’s the thing – it’s not really mine to begin with…it all comes from the generosity of God, and He is graciously giving some of it to me. I could make the argument “I work hard and earn my money, so it’s all mine”, but that’s not entirely true. God has gifted me with whatever skills I have in order to provide for myself, my family, etc. I didn’t necessarily earn my abilities to do certain things in life, it comes from the unmerited grace of God. So let’s be generous and lend freely – let’s conduct our affairs with justice, and not our justice but The Lord’s, and rest assured that good will come to us in doing so.

Love you, see you on Sunday!

In Christ,



March 21, 2023


March 14, 2023