March 7, 2023

Scripture: Proverbs 27:17 – “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

What it means

Great, great passage of scripture…don’t remember if we have already discussed this, but if we have…too bad, we’re looking at it again 😊

I normally try to look at passages of scripture in context, Jerry Page style…looking a little bit before and a little after the passage in question, but in this case, it kinda stands by itself. This is a chapter of random reflections by King Solomon, with nothing else really to bounce this off of, or compare/contrast with (in the spirit of fairness, we won’t look at verses 15-16 so my female readers don’t protest) 😊 The scriptures speak extensively of unity…working together, challenging each other to be our best, encouraging each other, lifting each other up…if we look at ourself as a piece of iron, the more that we rub off of our close friends, the sharper we become – and more useful for The Kingdom!

What it means to me

How about you guys? Do you have somebody that helps to sharpen you in your Christian walk, and/or that you are able to lift up and encourage? We were never meant to walk in our life journey alone – God created us to be relational people, and as such, we should cherish time spent with those we love the dearest and hold the closest to our hearts. God honors our time that we are in fellowship with others, and hopefully we are making a positive difference with family, friends, our kids…basically anybody that we have influence with in our daily lives. The list of possibilities is endless, so lest you think you don’t have anything to offer to The Lord, you better think again. Let’s continue to sharpen each other for The Kingdom, and make a real difference in the world around us.

Love you guys, talk to you on Thursday!

In Christ,



March 9, 2023


March 2, 2023