December 8, 2022

Scripture: Revelation 22:16 – “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

What it means

Here we are at the very end of the bible – John shares part of his vision of Jesus, and Jesus has his final words of encouragement for us all.  If we back up a few verses, He tells us in verse 12 what we all want to hear – “I am coming soon.”  And just as good “My reward is with me.”  Both are great bits of news for you and I…and as we arrive at verse 16, Jesus gives us His deposit, as it were, in the form of His angel to offer testimony for the churches that He is, in fact, “the Root and Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”  And then a final promise in verse 20 – again, “Yes, I am coming soon.”

What it means to me

I find it interesting that a key part of the birth narrative of Jesus contains the fact that when the shepherds were trying to navigate their way to the stable that held the Savior of the World, what led their way? A big ol’ star that lit up the entire sky, was it not? So, how does Jesus describe himself in verse 16 of this passage of scripture? “The Bright Morning Star.”  Perhaps just a coincidence, but Jesus wasn’t real big on coincidences – everything that He said or did had a specific purpose…nothing was wasted, or an accident.  Whenever we visit Jan’s sisters in Franklin, NC, it is in the country, and as such, no street lights to be found.  When it is dark, it is truly dark…as in pitch black.  But there are some clear, crisp nights when the moon and the stars are on full display, and actually offer enough light to walk around and maneuver pretty safely.  I am most thankful that Jesus’ “Bright Morning Star” contains more than enough light for us to move around safely in our own lives!

Love you guys, see you in church on Sunday!

In Christ,



December 13, 2022


December 6, 2022