June 6, 2023

Scripture: Ephesians 4:32 – “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

“Few things accelerate the peace process as much as humbly admitting our own wrongdoing and asking forgiveness.” – Lee Strobel

What it means

Here’s kind of a follow-up to our message on Sunday…I guess because the message was a hard one. Forgiveness isn’t something that just naturally flows from most of us, so it has to be done intentionally, and with much help from The Lord. If anybody hurts us in any way, few things are harder than extending forgiveness to that person and not holding a grudge that, in the long run, only ends up harming us. Not only that, but the apostle Paul tells us that we should really take it a step further by being kind and compassionate to one another – and yes, even to those who have hurt us. It is hard, no question, but Lee Strobel really hit the nail on the head with his quote…as much as we all strive for peace and want that in our lives, there are few things that are as powerful and effective as having a humble heart, admitting our own imperfections, and asking for forgiveness.

What it means to me

As hard as it is to begin the process of forgiveness, to those of you who have managed to do this at least once, what does it feel like once you have managed to reconcile with someone? For me, it’s like a ten-ton weight has been lifted from my chest, and I can finally get on with my life. Forgiveness accomplishes so much – if you follow revivals when they break out, more often than not, the catalyst for it was somebody confessing some sin and asking for forgiveness or extending it to someone who had wronged them. It is powerful…it is effective…and it brings a smile to the face of God.

Love you guys, talk to you on Thursday!

In Christ,



June 8, 2024


June 1, 2023