September 14, 2023
Scripture: Matthew 5:6 – “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”
What it means
Smack in the middle of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, we are told to hunger and thirst for righteousness. It sounds similar to what we have been studying in church on Psalm 119…we are to really, really pour ourselves into God’s precepts, or commands, or instructions, and also His righteousness. We are to hunger and thirst for it, almost like we hunger and thirst for food and drink…we should want it that much. We need physical nourishment in order to survive, but we also need spiritual nourishment as well.
What it means to me
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I find myself needing God’s righteousness more and more, the older I get. I probably don’t hunger and thirst for it as I should…but I know full well that when it is missing from my life, things just don’t go as they should. Left to my own selfish devices…well, sufficed to say, it’s not pretty. I guess there’s a reason for that – according to The Lord Jesus, we are blessed when we reach that level of desperation in seeking His righteousness. We will be filled – with the good stuff of God, not the temporary highs that we still seem to desire more than we should. Let’s get after it – God, please please please fill me with Your righteousness…and fill me with everything that comes from You, because it is good…and You are good. Amen!
Love you guys, see you on Sunday!
In Christ,