September 26, 2023

Scripture: Matthew 5:3 – “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”

What it means

Good grief.

Can anything good come from grief? From mourning a deep loss? From weeping over a profoundly heavy heartache?

While grief is a necessary part of life, no one longs to grieve.  But in the second beatitude – a series of promises Jesus made about God’s Kingdom – Jesus said this:

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” – Matthew 5:4

No one can appreciate the rain more than someone who’s lived in the desert.  No one can value food more than someone who’s truly been starving. And no one can know God as their Comforter like someone who’s desperately needed comfort.

Unfortunately, death, decay and disappointment are part of this world.  But even in our sorrow and suffering, God stands ready to comfort us – in unique and meaningful ways that only He can.

The Holy Spirit is often called the “Comforter” as well as “Helper”, “Counselor”, or “Advocate.”  But regardless of what He’s called, it’s always who He is.  Even in our grief, He’s always a God who has our best in mind.

And so, how does God comfort us? He does this through His spirit, through His Word, and by working in and through His people.

Do you have eyes to see how He’s pursuing you? Have you opened your heart to His comfort?

What it means to me

I’ve been conversing daily with Fonda’s co-worker Buddy, and he sends me these rich devotionals every day that really encourage me and lift my spirits.  When we started communicating, I assumed that my role would be that of a wise Pastor trying to impart some wisdom on someone who needed it, but it’s actually been quite the opposite.  He has blessed me and encouraged me far more than I’ve been able to bless him, but I think just the interaction has proven good for both of us.  Thanks Buddy!

Love you guys, talk to you on Thursday!

In Christ,



October 3, 2023


September 21, 2023