September 7, 2023
Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:8 – “Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.”
What it means
Lots of power packed in this one simply verse of scripture from the Apostle Paul in writing to his protégé Timothy. Right before this, he gives the rationale for this statement – verse 7 tells us that he was appointed a herald and an apostle, and a true and faithful teacher of the Gentiles. As a result, he felt led to encourage men (and women) to simply pray…and in doing so, to lift up holy hands “without anger or disputing.” In other words, this singular act of praying should be a great unifier for all, irregardless of whether you’re a Jew, Gentile, Republican, Democrat, etc. Just pray – don’t worry about whether you’re necessarily on the same page as the person standing next to you. Close your eyes, lift up your hands…and pray.
What it means to you
I’ve always been intrigued by people who raise their hands in response to something during a worship service. Usually it’s during the music, but could really be appropriate anywhere we are so moved that we have no alternative but to offer our praise to Our Lord and Our Savior. When Jan and I first started attending Alcoa FUMC way back in 1995, there was a select group of people who would position themselves towards the front of the sanctuary, and raise their hands frequently in response to something that inspired them to do so. It took me awhile to get on board with this – my first response was that they were simply doing it to attract attention to themselves as being super religious, and better than the rest of us, but over time, I began to get it. We all worship differently – some raise their hands, some shout, some are more reserved and prefer to sit quietly and worship more internally…all are appropriate. There’s no one right or wrong way to worship, it’s all about how you are moved to respond in the moment. So if you want to raise your hands in response to a wonderful prelude by Tammy or anthem by the choir, go ahead…it’s okay. If you want to be more quiet and reflective, that’s cool too. Jesus told his followers in Luke 19:40 (MSG) “If they kept quiet, the stones would do it for them, shouting praise.”
Love you guys, see you on Sunday!
In Christ,