May 7, 2024
Devotional for May 7, 2024
Scripture: Colossians 2:6-7 – “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
What it means
In his letter to the Colossians, Paul is trying to exhort the people of Laodicea to keep focused on their faith in Christ. Not only is he exhorting them, but back in verse 1, he tells them that he is “contending for them”, with the goal of encouraging them to stay on track, and not be swayed by those who would try to tell them otherwise. They had all received Jesus as Lord, and they needed to continue to live their lives in a manner that reflected that. Their faith would be sufficient to strengthen them and cause them to overflow with thankfulness… which should be our natural reaction as well.
What it means to me
Paul may not have realized it at the time, but he was writing this letter to me as well. I have received Christ as my Savior but find myself too often forgetting that fact whenever life’s challenges weigh me down. We are to not allow anything or anyone pull us away from what our identity is – and that is a victorious child of God. He is on His Throne, and His character and His perfect plan never change! We should be “rooted and built up in Him”, and “strengthened in the faith as we were taught”, and ultimately “overflowing with thankfulness.” It’s not always easy to be thankful for all that comes our way, but as we noted this past Sunday, even when things are tough, God simply does not change. His nature, His goodness, His mighty power, His great love for us…they remain unchanged. No matter how bad of a week we may have, we have a Heavenly Father that is crazy about us – and for that, we should overflow with thankfulness!
Love you guys, take care and we’ll talk to you on Thursday!
In Christ,