April 4, 2023

Scripture: Luke 19:39-40 – “Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” “I tell you”, He replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

What it means

This is in the midst of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and while we all know the first part of this, where Jesus rides into town on the back of a donkey with the throngs singing His praises, those pesky Pharisees had to find issue with even this. “Teacher, rebuke your disciples! This is so improper!” And Jesus, true to form, had just the right response – “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” And yes, there is precedent for this in the Old Testament – look at Habakkuk 2:11: “The stones of the wall will cry out, and the beams of the woodwork will echo it.”

What it means to me

I love this message that Jesus gives to the Pharisees. Oftentimes we are concerned with coming on too strong with our witness to The Lord and perhaps offending whoever we are talking to. I guess we can take solace in the fact that even if we keep quiet, there will be others who will speak loudly for Christ – the very rocks of the earth, if necessary. So…there’s no need to be obnoxious or pushy with our witness. I’ve never found that to be very fruitful as I’ve seen others try that approach. However, don’t be afraid to say anything either. Go ahead and speak truth – let’s praise Him, and if we have to raise our voices a bit in the process, that’s okay as well. Because if we don’t…the stones will cry out.

Love you guys, talk to you on Maundy Thursday!

In Christ,



Maundy Thursday


March 28, 2023