June 13, 2024

Devotional for June 13, 2024

Scripture: John 3:36 – “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.”

What it means

This is just a few verses away from the more famous John 3:16, but the message is similar, and packs quite a punch as well.  This verse contains more of the flip side of the choice that we all have.  We all have the choice to believe in Jesus, and if we choose correctly then all is well – we will inherit eternal life and we’ll go straight to our Heavenly home once we leave this earth.  But if we don’t – then the end result will be very different.  Those that reject the Lordship of Christ will not see eternal life, will endure the wrath of God, and it won’t be pretty – and ultimately, not what we would ever want.

What it means to me

We spent a good deal of time in one of my COS classes discussing the theological differences between John Wesley and John Calvin.  Calvin was a proponent of pre-destination, which basically holds that God has pre-ordained everything that has ever happened, and will ever happen in the future.  Wesley disagreed, and believed that God gives each of us free will to make our own choices.  I happen to partially believe both sides of this debate – but that’s a topic for another day For this particular passage, let’s just be okay with the fact that we all have a choice to follow Jesus, or not follow Him.  The free gift of eternal life that God offers to each of us is something that we can never earn, but the end result is priceless

I can't believe 5 1/2 years have flown by, but they have...this Sunday will be my last in the pulpit at Peck's, and I simply can't articulate how very grateful that my family and I are for the many ways you have loved us, taken good care of us and encouraged us as your pastoral family.  I have every confidence that Bob Ruth, your new pastor, will take continue to provide loving pastoral care to each of you - please welcome him with open arms on July 7 and give him the same level of love, patience and encouragement that you extended so freely to me.

Love you all to the moon and back (or as Harrison would say, "To Infinity...and Beyond!")  I hope to see you in church on Sunday so I can properly tell you goodbye.

In Christ,



June 11, 2024