January 5, 2023

Scripture: Job 19:25 – “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.

What it means

Ah, the patience of Job…you’ve all heard that expression, and if you just look at this one verse, it would appear to be the case. But take some time to look at the rest of this chapter – it is painful to say the least. Look at verses 19-20 – “All my intimate friends detest me; those I love have turned against me. I am nothing but skin and bones; I have escaped only by the skin of my teeth.” Ouch…most of the chapter has that same depressing theme, and yet…verse 25…in spite of all the misfortune that he had to deal with… “I know that my redeemer lives, and that it the end he will stand on the earth.” When all is said and done, no matter what we are forced to endure in this lifetime, God is alive and well and completely in charge of the universe, even when it doesn’t appear so.

What it means to me

Jan spent a good bit of time studying the book of Job many years ago, and I thought she was crazy for doing so…but if you ever need a reminder that “it could always get worse”, this is the scripture to best drive that point home. Job dealt with more than any one person should have to in one lifetime, and while he certainly had his moments of despair, he never lost faith in his redeemer. Even though it appeared that he lost everything, he still had God…and after some intense back and forth dialogue between the two, he completely placed his hope and faith in his Heavenly Father, and at the end of the day, God completely restored all that had been lost and then some.

Sometimes life is tough – sometimes we deal with loss, illness, financial struggles…but God never forgets His children, and He never fails to provide for our needs. It’s okay to question God – He can take it – but He will be quick to remind us that we really don’t have much of an understanding of what it takes to create and run the universe, as He did to Job in the midst of his misery. He is good…all the time…and all the time…He is good 😊

Love you, see you on Sunday!

In Christ,



January 10, 2023


January 3, 2023