March 23, 2023

Scripture: James 1:2-4 – “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

What it means

Well…anybody buying this? We’re supposed to actually be joyful whenever we face trials of many kinds in life? If so, I’ve got a ways to go, but let’s dig into this.  I think the quick analysis of this is that our ultimate goal should be one of being “mature and complete, not lacking anything” – but that usually comes at a price.  We must first prove that we can persevere, as there is much in life that is challenging and forces us to suck it up and find a way to get through to the other side.  If we keep backing up in this passage of scripture, we need to face testing in order to practice our perseverance – and even if it comes with some pain, we should rejoice that we have the opportunity to do just that…not that we’re necessarily rejoicing that we face trials, but the simple fact of doing so is necessary in order for us to get where we ultimately want to get.

What it means to me

Did anybody else feel like Sunday’s meeting after church was a test of our faith? I did…it is no fun to be in disagreement about anything, and particularly anything that we are passionate about.  I feel like I owe all of you an apology…for many different reasons, but in particular, if any of this gave the impression of trying to ignore the issue, or hide anything from you, it was not my intention whatsoever to do either, but if it appeared that it was…I am truly sorry.  My primary focus has been to try to keep all of us together through this process, and to try to find some middle ground that we can all “agree to disagree”, but still be a united church family.  It will be extremely sad if we reach the point that so many other churches are at, where people on one side or the other of this issue feel the need to leave the church due to “irreconcilable differences”…but as it was pointed out to me “You know what? It may actually be meant for us to split and get a fresh start.”  Again, I’m still hanging on to some hope that that isn’t the case, but if it is…we need to leave it with Him.

Please feel free to reach out to me with questions you may have – I may or may not have all the answers, but if not, I’ll reach to somebody who does, and I will listen.  There is no such thing as a stupid question, and there is nothing to hide…my door is always open to all of you, I hope you realize that.

Please know that Jan, Harrison and I love all of you equally – more than we can adequately express. Regardless of how this turns out, God does have a plan…His plan is perfect and His timing is perfect.  So please…let’s use this remaining season of Lent to return our focus to the journey at hand, and that is the journey to the cross.  We are all a blessed people, and we need to give our thanks and praise to The One who chose to die on a cross for all of us so that we can be made right with Him.  Even through the trials, even through the testing, even through having to muster perseverance…God is good, all the time.  That will never change, and for that – let us give thanks.

Love you, see you on Sunday!

In Christ,



March 28, 2023


March 21, 2023