May 21, 2024

Okay, I'm "borrowing" this from a member of my parents' church in West Knoxville (former pastor Bill Kilday)- too good not to share!


"In preparation for a medical procedure, I was filling out a form. A nurse was examining my efforts. Noticing that I was a United Methodist, she asked, “Does your church allow women to preach?” I acknowledged that this was true.  She asked me how this could be since the Apostle Paul had declared that women should keep silent in the church. Were we Methodists violating the scriptures by allowing women preachers? The passage from Gal. 3 came quickly to my mind and I said, “The Apostle Paul ALSO said, regarding the Christian community, “There is neither Jew or Greek, slave nor free, male nor female. He also mentions that all we who have faith in Jesus Christ are God’s children.”  I doubt that I convinced that nurse of anything, but these words of Paul put a balancing perspective on some other pronouncements he made.

In the following verses of this lesson, Paul affirms that as children of God, we are all heirs of God’s promise.

A tragic and redeeming story is told about five children. Their ages ranged from 5 to 14. Their parents were killed in a terrible car crash. Having no other family, they were placed in an orphanage. The authorities sought adoptive parents. Prospects would come and interview the children, and occasionally ask to adopt one or another. The children made a strong case for being kept together, but no adoptive family would take all five.  Finally, a couple came and were touched by the tremendous challenge. They took all the children into their home and began the task of becoming a new family. Over time, things went well.  One day, the adoptive mother was straightening the room of the oldest, a boy. The cover of his notebook came open and there she saw the words, written over and over. “They took us all! They took us All! They took US ALL!” That’s the way it is with God. God takes us all. Male, female, Jew, Greek, slave, free, black, white, red, brown or green! We could make a list as long as our arms about the many ways we are different, including nationality, culture, sexual orientation, wealth, poverty, size, ad. infinitum.  Even so, God takes us ALL!!! We are sons and daughters. We are heirs to God’s love, grace, mercy, and faithfulness. Our response is to follow Jesus and be good brothers and sisters to all of God’s other children."

Love you guys, talk to you on Thursday!

In Christ,



May 23, 2024


May 16, 2024