May 23, 2024

Devotional for May 23, 2024

Scripture: Psalm 24:1-2 – “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.”

What it means

Here’s a good reminder from King David about the fact that all that we have ultimately all belongs to The Lord, and should spurn us towards being generous with all that we have.  What does it actually mean to be generous? The word “generous” is often defined as “open in giving or sharing”, “willing to help or support”, or “unselfish”.  Generous living is not a concept that is limited to the wealthy.  Generosity is a lifestyle that stems from a desire to worship God in every area of life.  The scripture that we just looked at tells us that everything that we have belongs to God, and is given to us by Him.  He is the owner, and we are simply the managers who are expected to handle it well in a manner that glorifies Him…and if we can do that, we are often entrusted with more to manage.  It doesn’t matter how much we have – it matters what we do with what we’re given.  We should live generously when we view everything we have as a gift from God.  When we do that, our mindset switches from “this is mine” to “how can I share?”

What it means to me

Think about how you view the things that God has given to you.  Do you see them as gifts from God to be shared, or as accomplishments and possessions that you’ve earned on your own? What is one thing that you can start doing to be more generous with all that God has blessed you with? Let’s be generous with all that we’ve been blessed with and be intentional with looking after the least of these.

Love you, see you Sunday!

In Christ,



May 28, 2024


May 21, 2024