May 18, 2023

Scripture: Revelation 19:6 – “Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting:

‘Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.’”

What it means

Wow…what a sensory overload! I can’t imagine what our senses will experience when we make our initial arrival in Heaven and begin to experience things that we aren’t capable of understanding in and of ourselves. I’m not sure how many of these aspects that are described in the book of Revelation will be in Heaven, as opposed to the vision that John experienced, but I suspect many of them will be, if not all. It will be overwhelming…the roar of rushing waters, the loud peals of thunder, white horses…too many to mention. And yet…what do you think will stand out the most to us?

What it means to me

Take time to read the first 5 verses of chapter 19 of Revelation…I think this is what will strike us the most.With all that will be occurring in Heaven, I have to think that the central theme there is one of pure praise…there’s simply nothing else that matters that much even remotely once we finally arrive at our eternal destination. “Amen!” “Hallelujah!” “Praise our God!” “Holy holy is The Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.” That will be recurring echo that resounds against the walls of Heaven…over and over and over.

As we have our special service this Sunday to reflect on those who have passed away over the past year, allow yourself space to grieve and acknowledge the void that was left behind with their earthly departure, but don’t ever forget where they are now…in a place so special and so perfect and so overwhelming that nothing else will matter. The things that I spoke of a few weeks ago that we tend to worship here on earth will be long forgotten and matter no more. Our main priority will be to praise Him – and for that, let us give thanks!

Love you guys, see you on Sunday!

In Christ,



May 23, 2023


May 16, 2023