June 6, 2024

Devotional for June 6, 2024

Scripture: Romans 8:6 – “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.”

What it means

The title for all of Romans, chapter 8 is “Life through the Spirit.”  In this chapter, Paul basically divides us all up into 2 major groups: those who are controlled by the flesh, or our fleshly, worldly desires, and those who are controlled by the Spirit.  And let’s be clear – we would all find ourselves in category #1 if it weren’t for the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the gift of His Spirit.  Once we make the decision to follow Him, then even when we find the world tugging at our heart to follow them and the ways of the world, Jesus gives us another option.  We can follow Him…and be people of the Spirit.  Once we plug into option #2 whole heartedly, then our lives have peace, and order, and real eternal purpose.

What it means to me

This kind of takes us back to the old “WWJD” question – what would Jesus do? When we have the Spirit of Christ in us, then we can find the answers that we are seeking very easily.  He reveals His truth to us, and how He would have us live our lives for Him.  Now, does that mean that we’ll never slip back to door #1, or choosing the world? Absolutely not – and God knows that.  But He will continue to reveal truth to us in His grace and mercy, and gently woo us back to Him.  You see, He desires for us to be people whose minds are governed by the Spirit.  Like anything else in life, we need to be intentional about this – on a daily basis.  We need to continue to choose the Spirit, and have our lives centered around God in our thoughts, our prayers, how we spend our time and our money…it all matters to Him.  And He is faithful – He will help us to achieve this, and make us Spirit people!

Love you guys, take care and we’ll see you in church this Sunday!

In Christ,



June 11, 2024


June 4, 2024